Weaving with beloved fabrics | Eastbourne

EASTBOURNE -SATURDAY 23 March | 10-12pm or 1-3pm | £25 to include materials / tuition

Learn how to weave from scratch using old beloved fabrics or clothes that you cannot part with. Fabric will be cut into yarn size lengths to weave with on a frame loom. Everybody is born with the art of weaving naturally engrained in our DNA!

All tools and materials provided; bring your own fabrics for a more personal expression if you wish. You will create a piece of woven fabric ready to be transformed into a little bag or a cushion cover.


to book please e-mail theresa@color-discovery.com or call 01273 303571

To book a course, please send a cheque payable to Theresa Sundt.
Alternatively visit www.paypal.co.uk and make a payment to payments@color-discovery.com
(You do not need to have a Paypal account. Only a debit/credit card is needed.)